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Camelia Gavrilescu, Dan-Marius Voicilas

For the last two decades, policies influenced significantly the evolution and performances of the Romanian international agrifood trade. Romania’s accession to the EU and the enforcement of the CAP and Single Market rules resulted in new priorities and orientations in the agrifood trade. Consequently, Romania performed better on the intra and extra-EU markets, and the agrifood trade increased significantly both in volume and value. The structure of the trade flows changed as well. The paper is analyzing these changes, which products and groups of products gained and lost on the EU and global markets, how they were influenced by the past policies and the introduction of the CAP. At the same time, the paper is evaluating the influence and possible implications of the new agricultural policy on the competitiveness of the Romanian agrifood trade.

Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska
Visited: 6310