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  1. Artiom Volkov 
    Structural change in livestock sector as a challenge for the new CAP: Lithuanian case
  2. Prof., PhD, Csaba Jansik
    Competitiveness of the Dairy Supply Chains – A Comparison of Eight EU Member States around the Baltic Sea
  3. Prof. Werner Kleinhanss
    Distributional and income effects of CAP payments under the new CAP reform – The case of Germany
  4. Prof. Lupenko Yuriy Oleksiyovych
    Households in Ukraine: status and prospects
  5. Noureddin Driouech, PhD; Hamid El Bilali, PhD;  Sinisa Berjan,dr Izabela Hanna Lipinski, Roberto Capone, Luigi Sisto
    Exploring linkages between the Common Agricultural Policy and food security in the Mediterranean region
  6. Pierre Yves Lelong, PhD
    The CAP a 2015 French adaptation
  7. Dr. Peter Sanftleben, Dr. Hubert Heilmann
    Effects of new agricultural policy on the specialised agricultural region of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (Germany)
  8. Prof. Drago Cvijanović, Predrag Vuković, PhD
    The role of government in building the competitiveness of ruralareas in the Republic of Serbia
  9. Prof. Neno Dimov, prof. Angel Zapryanov
    The role of the economic sectors in the new policy for development of rural areas in Bulgaria
  10. Bozhidar Ivanov, PhD
    The impact of the current and new agricultural policy on the development of the major crops in Bulgaria
  11. Prof. Masahiko Gemma
    The Roles of Technical Change and Efficiency improvement for the Agricultural and Food Economies in the EU member countries
  12. Camelia Gavrilescu, Dan-Marius Voicilas
    Competitiveness of the Romanian agrifood trade and the new agricultural policies
  13. doc. Ing. Štefan Buday, PhD. Ing. Ivan  Masár
    Changes of agricultural land ownership and land utilisation in Slovakia in the conditions of new agricultural policy




Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska
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