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The first day of the conference – 10 December 2013


Session I

Panel discussion - The new EU agricultural policy – continuation or revolution (Prof. Alfons Balmann, Prof. Tomáš Doucha, Prof. A. Kowalski, Prof. Jerzy Wilkin,  Prof. Csaba Jansik, Dr Noureddin Driouech)

Session II 

15.00-16.40 Prof. Alfons Balmann – Managing complexity: What do we know about structural changes in agriculture?

Prof. Włodzimierz Rembisz – Political rent and investment's of agricultural producers

Prof. Masahiko Gemma – The Roles of Technical Change and Efficiency Improvement for the Agricultural and Food Economies in the EU Member Countries

Dr Viktória Vásáry – Structural impacts of the new direct payments in Hungary

Prof. Neno Dimov, prof. Angel ZapryanovThe role of the economic sectors in the new policy for development of rural areas in Bulgaria


The second day of the conference – 10 December 2013

Session III

Prof. Werner Kleinhanss – Distributional and income effects of CAP payments under the new CAP reform – The case of Germany

Prof. Renata Grochowska, dr Stanisław Mańko – The evaluation of adoption of selected approaches to direct payments distribution after 2013 in Poland

Dr Peter Sanftleben – Effects of new agricultural policy on the specialised agricultural region of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (Germany)

Dr Bozhidar Ivanov – The impact of the current and new agricultural policy on the development of the major crops in Bulgaria

Prof. Sergii Kvasha, Prof. Orest Furdychko, Dr Oleksandr Zhemoyda – Structural Changes in Ukrainian Agricultural Production after Strategy of Agricultural Development 2020 adoption

  Session IV

Prof. Csaba Jansik – Competitiveness of the Dairy Supply Chains – A Comparison of Eight EU Member States around the Baltic Sea

Dr Noureddin Driouech Exploring linkages between the Common Agricultural Policy and food security in the Mediterranean region

Dr Dan-Marius Voicilas Competitiveness of the Romanian agri-food trade and the new agricultural policies

Dr Robert Mroczek – The productivity and efficiency growth as the main challenge for food sector enterprises

Kateryna Kvasha – The Development Of Ukrainian – EU Bilateral Food Trade After The Association Agreement’s Signing


The third day of the conference – 11 December 2013

Session V

Prof. Piotr Chechelski – The impact of the CAP funds and new programmes in 2014-2020 on the increase of competitiveness of Polish agriculture at the EU and the global level

Dr Konrad Prandecki – Agriculture in the face of climate change

Prof. Jacek Kulawik, dr Joanna Pawłowska-Tyszko, dr Michał Soliwoda – Financial aspects of sustainability of agriculture

Prof. Drago Cvijanović, Dr Predrag Vuković – The role of government in building the competitiveness of rural areas in the Republic of Serbia


 Session VI

Dr Yves Pierre Lelong –  The new CAP and the competitiveness of agricultural holdings and food companies in France

Artiom Volkov – Structural change in livestock sector as a challenge for the new CAP: Lithuanian case

Dr Paweł Chmieliński, Dr Bożena Karwat-Woźniak – Changes in labour resources and economic activity of rural population

Dr Grażyna Niewęgłowska – Alternative forms of agriculture supported by CAP 2014-2020 (selected problems)




File list:

Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska
Visited: 7866