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Economy versus the environment – competitiveness or complementarity

The first day of the conference – 23.XI. 2015


10.00 – Departure
11.00 – 12.00 - Arrival & Registration
12.00 – Opening of the conference

Session I

12.20 – 14.00

Prof. Andrzej Kowalski Economy and agriculture versus the natural environment

Jean-Louis Buër (Radca ds. Rolnych Ambasady Francji) – 4 ‰– the soil for food security and climate

Prof. Bernardo Reynolds Pacheco de CarvalhoSovereignty, Food Security and Sustainable Development: Environmental and Economic Challenges

Ing. Martijn Homan Counsellor for Agriculture, the Embassy of Netherlands) – Rolnictwo holenderskie – wybrane problem The Dutch agriculture – selected issues

14.00-15.00 – Lunch

 Session II

Prof. Szczepan Figiel Environmental expenditures and innovations versus economic development

Barbara Wieliczko, PhD
Internalizacja efektów zewnętrznych w rolnictwie Internalisation of externalities in agriculture

Agata Sielska, PhD; Aleksandra Pawłowska The impact of the agri-environmental programmes as policy instruments on the value added of Polish agricultural holdings

16.40–17.00 Coffee break
17.00–18.00 Workshop discussion
19.30 Welcome reception – individual meetings of participants

The second day of the conference – 24.XI.2015


7.00 Breakfast
08.30–13.00 Field trip
13.00–14.00 Lunch

 Session III


Norbert PotoriPhD An assessment of the structural effects of reducing air pollution from livestock farming in Hungary

Prof. Wojciech Józwiak, prof. Wojciech Ziętara Probable climate change in Poland and the situation of farms on soils of low water capacity

Artiom Volkov, PhD; Jolanta Drozdz, PhDThe CAP 2004-2013 direct payment scheme’s impact on sustainability of agriculture in Lithuania

Prof. Dimitre NikolovAnticipated changes in the innovation activities of farmers in 2014-2020

15.40–16.00 Coffee break 

Session IV


Prof. Věra Majerová Economic and social preconditions of development in the Czech rural areas: acceleration of global influence and local changes 

Prof. Mette Asmild A Competition Barometer for Danish Agriculture

Wioletta Wrzaszcz, PhD Economics of an agricultural holding versus the natural environment

Prof. Gabriel Popescu, dr Adriana AgapieOptimal to functional cooperative institutions in the Romanian agriculture

17.40–18.00 Coffee break
18.00–19.00 Workshop discussion
19.30 Welcome reception – individual meetings

The third day of the conference – 25.XI. 2015

 7:30 Breakfast

Session V


Štefan Buday, PhD; ing. Ivan MasárAnimal and vegetable waste development in agricultural, food processing and households of the EU

Piotr Szajner, PhD; Wiesław Dzwonkowski – Possibilities of substituting genetically modified soybean with domestic protein crops in the aspect of fodder balance

Monica Mihaela Tudor, PhD Resilience of Romanian agriculture – an overview

Yuriy Trokoz, PhDThe competitiveness and comparative advantage of Ukraine`s agriculture sector with the European Union

Prof. Dan-Marius Voicilas, dr Camelia GavrilescuRomanian conventional and organic farming – opportunities and obstacles

10.40–11.00 Coffee break

Session VI


Ion Certan, PhD – Reforms in agriculture: Republic of Moldova case study

Prof. Sergey Nikolaevych Kvasha, Sergey Grygoryev Ukrainian agricultural products competitiveness on European market in time of financial challenges

Prof. Anatoli Semenovich Saiganov, dr Aliaksandr KazakevichThe status quo and current problems of agricultural development in Belarus

Teodora Stoeva, PhDImpact of economics and agriculture over the environmental protection

12.40–13.30  Workshop discussion & Closing remarks
13.30 Lunch
14.30 Departure for Warsaw

Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska
Visited: 5812