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Competitiveness of the economy in the context of social policy measures in Jachranka (June 2016)

"Competitiveness of the economy in the context of social policy measures"

22-24 June 2016, Hotel Windsor w Jachrance, Poland


Conference organizer:

Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics - National Research Institute

Taking advantage of 65 years of our experiences and scientific achievements in analysing the economic and production processes in agriculture as well as developments in rural society, the Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics – National Research Institute is organizing the international scientific conference entitled “Competitiveness of the food economy in the context of measures of the social policy”. The aim of this conference is to present research results and share experiences in research on social polarization and economic stability in the broadly understood food economy and the rural areas in the context of the applied measures of the social policy. The conference theme directs the conference to issues including:

  • the regional and local development and the socio-economic cohesion in rural areas;
  • the effectiveness of CAP instruments and other programmes of public intervention;
  • the role of institutions in creation of human capital;
  • the transformations in technical and socio-economic infrastructures of rural areas;
  • the possibilities of development and improvement in competitiveness of agriculture and the food economy;
  • the diversification of sources of livelihood of rural inhabitants;
  • the building of innovative systems of knowledge and information in agriculture;
  • the changes in labour resources in agriculture and the role of human capital in the socio-economic development of rural areas.

The above mentioned thematic scope of the conference represents only a part of research work conducted in the IAFE-NRI under the multi-annual research programme  2015-2019 “The Polish and the EU agricultures 2020+. Challenges, chances, threats, proposals”. The programme comprises 8 research topics divided into 27 tasks and concerning: megatrends in the world economy; the sources of growth in agriculture and the role of the agri-food sector; opportunities and threats to development of farms and agricultural enterprises; mechanisms of overcoming structural barriers in rural development, factors determining the innovative activities in the food economy; the sustainable agriculture and the situation of farms and rural enterprises facing the climate challenges; the effectiveness and efficiency of utilization of financial transfers and the CAP instruments; the competitive advantages and the improvement in working and living conditions of rural inhabitants.

Those interested in the hitherto results of the research conducted by IAFE-NRI are hereby invited to visit our website

Joanna Korczak
e-mail:[email protected]
tel. +48 22 505 45 18
fax. + 48 22 827 19 60

Kamila Sobiecka
Kamila Sobiecka
Ewa Sierakowska
Visited: 7395