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The first day of the conference 26.XI.2014

Session I

prof. Andrzej Kowalski – Globalization, integration and competitiveness of the food sector

prof. Bernardo Pacheco de Carvalho – The future of the European food sector on the global market

Panel discussion

Challenges for the CAP and competitiveness of the European agri-food sector (prof. Bernardo Pacheco de Carvalho – Portugalia, prof. Tomáš Doucha – Czechy, prof. Werner Kleinhanss – Niemcy, dr Robert Garay – Węgry, prof. Andrzej Kowalski – Polska, prof. Jacek Kulawik – Polska, prof. Dimitre Nikolov – Bułgaria)

Session II

dr Agata Sielska, prof. Włodzimierz Rembisz Impact of the political rent on investments of agricultural producers

prof. Masahiko Gemma, dr Mariusz Hamulczuk – Productivity growth and convergence in European agriculture

prof. Werner Kleinhanss – Analysis of competitiveness of German agriculture based on FADN data

prof. Wojciech Józwiak, mgr Adam Kagan – Factors in the growth of competitiveness of the Polish farms

prof. Tomáš Doucha, ing. Tomáš Medonos, dr Tomáš Ratinger, ing. Martin Hruška – The assessment of the effects of the investment support scheme in the Czech Republic


The second day of the conference 27.XI.2014

Session III


prof. Dimitre Nikolov, dr Minka Choteva – Input-output modeling to assess the impact of the CAP on small farms efficiency in Bulgaria

dr Branko Mihailović, prof. Drago Cvijanović, dr Predrag Vuković – The role of international marketing in process of increasing competitiveness of agricultural products

dr Aldona Skarżyńska – Factors determining the profitability of the selected agricultural products in the medium-term perspective

dr hab. Renata Grochowska – The new principles of making the EU law and consequences of their introducing for the competitiveness of the EU agri-food sector

Session IV

dr Jolanta Drozdz, dr Artiom Volkov – Food market diversification approach – Lithuanian case

dr Camelia Gavrilescu – Changes in the agri-food trade dynamics and competitiveness in the post-accession period – evidence from Romania

dr Iwona Szczepaniak, dr Łukasz Ambroziak – Competitiveness of the agri-food exports and their changes during Poland’s membership to the EU

assoc. prof. Oleksandr Zhemoyda – Status Quo and future challenges for regional and global food markets: Ukrainian look


The third day of the conference 28.XI.2014

Session V

dr Barbara Wieliczko, dr inż. Adam Wąs, dr inż. Joanna Pawłowska-Tyszko, prof. Jacek Kulawik – Budgetary conditions of competitiveness in agriculture

prof. Józef S. Zegar – Sustainable development of agriculture in the light of the paradigm of competitiveness

prof. Krystyna Świetlik – The domestic demand for food under the influence of the successes in export

dr Teodora Stoeva, dr Dimka Haytova – Impact of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) over the sustainability and competitiveness of Bulgarian vegetable production


Session VI

dr Adam Wasilewski, dr Marcin Gospodarowicz – Effectiveness and efficiency of the financial support from the EU budget for the sector of small and medium enterprises in rural areas

dr Robert Garay – The development of the European Biofuel Policy on the potential and the present situation of the Hungarian biofuel sector

dr Monica Tudor – Human capital – catalyst or limiting factor of rural Romania’s competitive capabilities

dr Paweł Chmieliński, mgr Michał Dudek – Human capital in the processes of structural transformation of agriculture and rural areas


File list:

Ewa Sierakowska
Visited: 6995