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Presentation guidelines and editorial guidelines

Presentation guidelines

The Authors are asked to prepare a presentation referring to the subject of the conference which should take around 10- 15 minutes.
Official languages of the conference are English and Polish. Simultaneous translation is provided by the organisers.


Editorial guidelines

To optimize the editorial procedures the Authors are asked to prepare their papers according to the following editorial guidelines:

  1. MS Word
  2. 10-15 pages
  3. A4 size
  4. Margins: top = bottom = inside = outside = 2.5 cm
  5. Leading (line spacing): 1.1
  6. Pagination – at the bottom, centred on a page
  7. Justification two-sided, with active option of word division
  8. Standard font: 14-point Times New Roman
  9. Titles of chapters (numbered or not, centred on a page) – 16-18-point type, bold
  10. JEL codes
  11. Keywords
  12. Subtitles (if numbered – left justified, otherwise – justified to an indention) in 14-point bold type
  13. Indention 1.25 (using the Tab key)
  14. Titles of tables, charts, maps – centred, 12- or 14-point type
  15. Interior of tables – 14-point type (or smaller, if necessary), figures in the tables right justified with spaces or centred in columns if they have the same order of magnitude
  16. Charts should be prepared in Excel (with conversion to Word) in black and white colours, with the possibility of making corrections to them, without framing. Also the Arial type is allowed in charts
  17. Sources of tables, charts, drawings – in 12-point italic type
  18. Footnotes – 12-point type
  19. It is recommended to avoid single letters at the end of type lines
  20. Papers referred to may be cited either in footnotes as follows: Initial(s), Surname, Title, Publisher, Place and Year, pages. or in the text as follows: [Surname and Year] e.g. [Smith 1997], [Smith and Wilson 2002]. If there are more than two authors, please add et al. after the first name e.g. [Smith et al. 1996]
  1. References arranged in alphabetical order as shown below: Surname, Initial(s)., Title, Publisher, Place and Year of publication. Surname, Initial(s)., Title [in:] Title of a multi-author work, ed. by Initial. Surname of an Editor, Publisher, Place and Year.
  1. Other ways of writing a list of references are also allowed on condition that the format used is uniform (it concerns all the above details)



File list:

Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska
Visited: 1501