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Conference programme

5.XII.2017 The first day of the conference

Opening of the conference Prof. Andrzej Kowalski

Session I

Prof. Julian Krzyżanowski – The CAP tasks after the year 2020

PhD Tamás Mizik – The past, present and future of the CAP – the Hungarian viewpoint

Dipl.-Ing. Klaus Wagner – Going beyond the Rural Development Program: A Master Plan for Austria’s rural space

PhD Norbert Potori, PhD János Sávoly, PhD Szabolcs Biró – An assessment of the regional impacts of post-2020 CAP budgetary cuts on production structures and agricultural incomes in the EU

Prof. Jacek Kulawik, PhD Barbara Wieliczko, PhD Michał Soliwoda – Financial instruments of the CAP

Session II

Prof. Gabriel Popescu – Postęp w rolnictwie z perspektywy rewolucyjnych przemian tego sektora / The progress viewed from the perspective of agricultural revolution

Dipl.-Ing. Katja Pietrzyck, Prof. Brigitte Petersen, PhD Noureddin Driouech – The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP): threat or an opportunity for EU-Mediterranean agriculture and agri-food sector?

Prof. Masahiko Gemma, Prof. Włodzimierz Rembisz – Productivity growth in agriculture among EU member countries: implications for the future CAP policies of rural development

PhD Katarzyna Kosior, PhD Łukasz Ambroziak – Brexit – the potential implications for the Polish agri-food sector

Anne Põder, PhD Maire Nurmet, PhD Ants-Hannes Viira – Farm characteristics and economic behavior of a volatile economic environment: the example of Estonian farmers in 2013 to 2016

6.XII.2017  The second day of the conference

Session III

PhD Philippe Burny, PhD Benon Gaziński, Prof. Lech Nieżurawski, Prof. Czesław Sobków – EU funds as a tool to increase competitiveness of agro-processing SMEs and factor contributing to rural development: comparison between some Polish regions and Wallonia

Prof. Sebastian Jarzębowski – The concept of short supply chains in the food economy

PhD Dan-Marius Voicilas, PhD Camelia Gavrilescu – Main achievements and challenges in the Romanian agri-food sector in the first decade of EU membership

Cezary Klimkowski – Changes in the international trade in goods and services of the Polish agri-food sector

PhD Ion Certan – Agricultural policies from declaration of independence to the association agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova

PhD Bozhidar Ivanov – Effects of direct payments on agricultural development in Bulgaria

Session IV 16.50–18.50

Prof. Samuele Trestini, PhD Elisa Giampietri – Re-adjusting risk management within the CAP: evidence on the implementation of the Income Stabilization Tool

Ing. Václav Vilhelm, CSc., Ing. Sumudu Gouri Boyinová, PhD Jindřich Špička – Comparison of risk management tools under CAP EU, US Farm Bill and in Czech agriculture

Prof. Adam Wąs, PhD Paweł Kobus – The determining factors of the level of crop insurance in Poland taking into consideration the level of agricultural subsidies

Prof. Olga Varchenko, Ludmila Stepura – Ukrainian agricultural market regulation instruments: their effectiveness and directions of improvement

Prof. Vasyl D. Zalizko – Future of sustainable development of Ukrainian organic farming sector in context of the EU's Common Agricultural Policy


7.XII.2017  The third day of the conference

Session V 8.30–10.50

PhD Adam Waszkowski, Prof. Włodzimierz Rembisz – Price relations of production factors versus production techniques in agriculture

Prof. Julia Doitchinova, Prof. Ivan Kanchev, Prof. Raliza Terziyska, Prof. Kristina Todorova – Socio-economic and environmental parameters and results of rural development under the CAP: the case of Bulgaria

PhD Michał Dudek, PhD Bożena Karwat-Woźniak – The scale and conditions of deagrarisation in Poland

Prof. Dimitre Nikolov, Prof. Ivan Boevsky, Prof. Petar Borissov, Prof. Teodor Radev – Analysis of New Business Marketing Models and food security in farming: case study in Smolyan District, Bulgaria

Prof. Olena Oliynyk-Dunn, Prof. Viktor Adamenko – Financing patterns of farms and financial system development: evidence from Ukraine and Poland

PhD Biljana Grujić, PhD Predrag Vuković – Agrarian policy in the European Union and financial support for Serbia

Session VI 11.20–13.40

Prof. Anatoliy Danylenko, PhD Tetyana Sokolska, PhD Olena Shust – The moratorium on agricultural land sale as a limiting factor for rural development

Prof. Drago Cvijanović, Prof. Otilija Sedlak, Prof. Željko Vojinović – Urban agriculture: a framework for agricultural policy – present and future

Prof. Oleksandr Faichuk – Sustainable development as one the most important challenge of the European and global food economy

PhD Marek Zieliński – Afforestation of the marginal agricultural land financed from RDP 2014-2020

Prof. Adriana Mihnea, Prof. Dimitre Nikolov – Farms and agricultural enterprises for sustainable smart cooperatives development: a multi-actor approach using digital farm management

Prof. Oleksandr Pavlov, Irina Pavlova – Problems of rural development in Ukraine:  branding approach

Prof. Iurii Lupenko, Prof. Valerii Zhuk – A village-keeping model of the agrarian system of Ukraine



Book of abstracts

Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska
Visited: 6368