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Conference themes

Finances and the budget versus the agri-food and rural policies. Examples: The main challenges, aims and instruments of the CAP; the CAP in future and the expected directions of changes; the transmission of financial and fiscal stimuli to the agricultural and food sector; responses of the real sphere to financial and fiscal shocks; financization of the food sector – reasons and effects; financial and budgetary aspects of internalization of externalities and providing of pure public goods; the change in the direction of the agricultural policy as a source of institutional risk (the change of the policy and undeserved public aid); measurement of the efficiency and effectiveness of the budgetary and financial policy.

The national agri-food and rural strategies of adjustments to financial and budgetary restrictions. Examples: proposed solutions in the main areas of the national agricultural policy; measurement of the budgetary support and the public aid for the agri-food sector; multiplier effects and the stabilization of the economic cycle, revenues and incomes in the conditions of globalization; the regulation of liquidity and the holistic risk management; generating of the value added in food chains; federalization/decentralization of agricultural budgets – examples; value chains in agricultural and rural finances; methods of planning and controlling of regional strategies for agricultural policies and rural development – experiences of the EU countries.

Responses of farms, rural households and food industry enterprises to the financial and budgetary restrictions. Examples: financial, investment and risk management strategies; financial engineering; optimization of financial structures; business paradigms and models; financial instruments and the multiplication of value added by usage of products and services of financial institutions; flexibility and shock resistance; new economic models for rural areas (e.g. economy, co-divided consumption).

Paradigms of the modern EU agriculture and their operationalization. Examples: sustainable agriculture (measurement and operationalization); prospects of eco-management; challenges of the smart agriculture paradigm; chances and challenges of digital transformation in the rural sector; the role of innovation in agriculture and food industry.

Adaptability of farms in the EU countries to the processes in the world’s food economy versus budgetary restrictions in the new financial perspective of the EU. Examples: farm management in changing conditions; ongoing globalization observed in agricultural markets and the market of production means; climate change; new achievements of biotechnology and agricultural chemistry; changes in consumption patterns; adaptation processes, concentration processes and economies of scale.

Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska
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