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Conference programme

The first day of the conference 10.12.2018


Opening of the conference – Prof. Andrzej Kowalski


Session I  

Changes in the food systems: global and local perspective – Prof. Grzegorz Dybowski

Synergies and tradeoffs between EU Cohesion Policy and rural development policies – PhD Adam Cox

Development processes in agriculture – convergence in the global dimension – PhD Cezary Klimkowski

Are we ready for the new challenges? The case of the Hungarian agriculture – Prof. Tamás Mizik

Session II 

Economic size versus management effects and possible threats to field farms in Poland – Prof. Aldona Skarżyńska

Entry barriers for young farmers – do they depend on the size of the holding? – Ing. PhD Marie Šimpachová Pechrová, Ing. PhD Ondřej Šimpach

Socio-economic premises for the functioning of small farms – PhD Bożena Karwat-Woźniak, PhD Paweł Chmieliński

Decomposing dynamics in the farm profitability: an application to Lithuanian FADN sample – PhD Tomas Baležentis, PhD Aiste Galnaityte, PhD Irena Kriščiukaitiene, PhD Virginia Namiotko, PhD Lina Novickyte


The second day of the conference  11.12.2018

Session III

Farm size and viability – Prof. Maire Nurmet, PhD Katrin Lemsalu, PhD Raul Omel

Impact of labour productivity on farm incomes in Poland – Joanna Jaroszewska, Aleksandra Pawłowska

Differences in the viability of small and large farms in redefined areas with natural constraints in the Czech Republic – Ing. CSc Marie Štolbová, Ing. PhD Tomáš Hlavsa, Ing. Jakub Kučera

Farmer’s environmental responsibility for modern rural development: does farm size matter? – PhD Rita Vilke, PhD Živile Gedminaite-Raudone


Session IV 

Size of dairy farms in Serbia and its winfluence on their economic efficiency – Prof. Sanjin Ivanovic, Prof. Zorica Vasiljevic, Lana Nastic

Pig farming on industrial and conventional farms – PhD Danuta Zawadzka

Clusters as the basis for small farms’ competitiveness – Prof. Oleksandr Opalov

Social Farms – Social Farm Network. Financing – Prof. Drago Cvijanović, Prof. Otilija Sedlak, Prof. Željko Vojinović, Prof. Zoran Ćirić


Session V 

Circular economy versus sustainability of agriculture and the food sector – PhD Barbara Wieliczko, Prof. Jacek Kulawik, PhD Michał Soliwoda

The pressure of agricultural production on the environment and its determinants – PhD Paweł Kobus, Prof. Edward Majewski, Prof. Adam Wąs

Farms from areas of particularly high natural value at the background of other farms – PhD Marek Zieliński

The model of agricultural intensification of bioeconomic security of small farms and SMEs within the creating an open rural innovation infrastructure – PhD Vasyl D. Zalizko

Session VI 

Regional diversity in Cohesion Policy: policy recommendations from experiences and perception of European citizens and practitioners – PhD Valentina Aiello, Prof. Cristina Brasili

Does city ‘smartness’ boost rural resilience? Preliminary empirical evidence from EU cities – PhD Gianpiero Torrisi

Citizens’ vs. practitioners’ perceptions on EU regional approach – PhD Monica Mihaela Tudor, PhD Violeta Florian, PhD Elisabeta Stefania Rosu

Impact of RDP for achieving viability of rural areas in Bulgaria – Prof. Hristina Harizanova, Prof. Zornitsa Stoyanova


The third day of the conference 12.12.2018

Session VII 

Role of small businesses in Short Food Supply Chains with special regard to special production modes – PhD Gyarmati Gábor

Development perspectives of Short Food Supply Chains (SFSC) – Prof. Sebastian Jarzębowski, Dipl. Ing. Katja Pietrzyck

The role of households in providing the food safety of Ukraine – Prof. Tetiana Mostenska, Prof. Iryna Fedulova

Prospects and challenges for development of small business forms in agriculture of Ukraine – Prof. Vadym A. Tkachuk, Prof. LesiaV. Zaburanna, PhD Tetiana V. Lutska

The modern business models in Ukraine: conditions and prospects – Prof. Yurii Lupenko, PhD Yevdokiia Lupenko

Small farms and organic production – Prof. Yuliia Zolotnytska

Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska
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