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The first day of the conference – 23.XI.2016

10.00 – Departure
11.00 – 12.00 Arrival & Registration
12.00 – Opening of the conference

Session I


Prof. Andrzej Kowalski, Prof. Włodzimierz Rembisz – The question of price and income risks in agriculture

Prof. Bernardo Reynolds Pacheco de Carvalho – Risks and vulnerability in the food system: food security and sustainable development

Prof. Jacek Kulawik, Dr Joanna Pawłowska-Tyszko, Dr Michał Soliwoda – The major problems of risk management in the food sector

13.20-14.00 – Workshop discussion
14.00-14.30 –  Lunch

Session II


Prof. Thomas Doucha, PhD Marie Pechrova, MSc Ondrej Choloupka – Price prediction tool for agricultural risk management and policy-making purposes

Prof. Szczepan Figiel – Incentives versus risk associated with innovation activity in the agri-food sector. Theoretical premises

Prof. Dimitre Nikolov, Prof. Adriana Mihnea, Dr hab. Ivan Boevsky, PhD Petar Borisov, PhD Teodor Radev – Benefits, opportunities, cost and risk in delivering public goods in agriculture: south central planning region in Bulgaria case study

PhD Boris Kuzman, PhD Radivoj Prodanovic, PhD Jonel Subić – Managing risk and uncertainty on the farm

Dr Mariusz Hamulczuk – Globalization of price risk – the example of cereal market

17.00-17.20 – Coffee break
17.20-18.20 - Workshop discussion
20.00 – Welcome reception – individual meetings of participants

The second day of the conference – 24.XI.2016

7.00 – Breakfast
08.30-13.00 –  Field trip
13.00 – 14.00 – Lunch

Session III


Dr hab. F. Sinabell, PhD T. Url, PhD K. Heinschink – An index-based margin insurance for agriculture – the example of wheat production in Austria

Prof. Irena Kriščiukaitiene, PhD Tomas Baležentis – Production and price risk in Lithuanian crop farming

PhD Bozhidar Ivanov – Price transmission in dairy industry in Bulgaria

Dr Danuta Zawadzka – Price and production risk in the live pigs market

Prof. Anikó Juhász, Prof. Gábor Kemény, PhD András Molnár, MSc Anna Zubor-Nemes – The role of public policy in risk management: the case of the Hungarian Risk Management System

15.40-16.00 – Coffee break

 Session IV


Prof. Adriana Mihnea, Dr. Liliana Craciun, PhD Student Andrei Raduţu – Production, price and income risk in expected gross margin in agriculture using analytic network processes modelling

PhD Vasyl D. Zalizko, MSc Andriy Gordiychuk, MSc Aleksandr Matiushok – Methodology for integral estimation of Ukrainian agriculture efficiency

PhD Cristian Kevorchian, PhD Camelia Gavrilescu - An approach based on state-space models for the agricultural production risk assessment

Prof. Wojciech Józwiak, Prof. Wojciech Ziętara, Mgr Zofia Mirkowska – Megatrends linear or nonlinear: is it possible today to predict reasonably the state of the economy in the year 2025?

18.30 -18.50 – Coffee break
18.50-19.30 –  Workshop discussion
20.00 – Dinner – individual meetings

The third day of the conference – 25.XI. 2016

7.30 – Breakfast

Session V


Dr Iwona Szczepaniak, Dr Łukasz Ambroziak – The currency risk and the foreign trade in the Polish agri-food products

MSc Mirza Uzunović, PhD Aleksandra Nikolić, MSc Alen Mujcinovic – Mitigating financial risk through agile balancing between market orientation and total quality management factors: evidence from B&H beverages industry

PhD Merilin Ratas, PhD Maire Nurmet – Risk management approaches in Estonian agricultural enterprises

PhD Chrastinová Zuzana, PhD Weldesenbet Tesfu, MSc Masár Ivan – Agricultural production risk and its solution in Slovakia

Mgr Cezary Klimkowski – Incomes of farms versus the currency risk

10.40-11.00 – Coffee break

Session VI


Prof. Oleksandr Pavlov – Risks of rural development in Ukraine

Prof. Józef Zegar, Dr Wioletta Wrzaszcz, Dr Konrad Prandecki – GMO in agriculture – the selected threats

Prof. Drago Cvijanonivić, PhD Vesna Kocic Vugdelija, PhD Željko Vojinović, PhD Otilija Sedlak – Entrepreneurial process and risks in small and medium-sized organic agricultural holdings in Serbia

Prof. Mirza Uzunović, PhD Aleksandra Nikolić, MSc Alen Mujcinovic – Successful certification schemes as a tool for marketing risk mitigation: case study – Organic and traditional labels in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Prof. Dr hab. Julia Doitchinova, Assoc. Prof. Dr Hristina Harizanova, Assoc. Prof. Dr Zornitsa Stojanova – Structural changes and agri-environmental assessment of agriculture in Bulgaria

12.40-13.30 – Workshop discussion & Closing remarks
13.30 – Lunch
14.30 – Departure for Warsaw


Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska
Ewa Sierakowska
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